
Foreningsmeddelelse andet halvår 2020

Kære medlemmer

Det har været småt med nyt fra Akwamu – dog forsøger vi at lægge de sidste nyheder på Facebook på “Friends of Akwamu”. Vi ved, at Odeneho har stillet sig i spidsen for det lokale arbejde i Akwamu:
Vi spurgte derfor Samuel, hvordan det går i Akwamufie med skolen og naturligvis de unge, som vi støtter:
Her er hans svar primo juni:
Samuel fortæller om situationen i Ghana

Good evening
Am fine by the grace of God and the family as well.
Akwamu is peaceful and things are now picking up after the Covid -19
On the Handicapped Students
Kwaku Owusu (deaf Student) and Manu Philio (Blind Student) Since they are in their final year will be reporting to school on Tuesday 23rd June, 2020 to prepare themselves for writing of the exams.
Gyamea Akosua who was pregnant will not be going back to school but we need to place her into hairdressing apprenticeship to fine tune skills in hairdressing.
With the basic schools and the Kindergarten in Akwamufie it remains close until further notice.
The only people who will be going to school in Akwamufie will be the final year Junior High School student who will also preparing themselves for their basic examination quite soon.
So we settle the estimate for the handicapped Students before they can go back.

Thanks and greetings from Akwamufie
S .A. Otchere Secretary Bogyawe Palace, Akwamufie

Situationen i Ghana d.d. ser ud som nedenstående:

Covid-situationen i Ghana Nyt nr.13
Det svarer godt til den rapport, som vi har fået fra Samuel.
I vil høre fra os igen i september, når skolerne i Akwamu starter op igen.

Med ønsket om en god sommer

Karl Peter Samuelsen Holm og Nana Yaw Afriyie I – Mogens Falk Jørgensen +45 91153929