Foreningsmeddelelse marts 2019
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Generalforsamling og projekt for de unge:
Så er det tid til generalforsamling i foreningen. Den afholdes som sædvanligt i Horsens tirsdag den 30. april kl. 18.30 Nærmere info følger senere, men sæt allerede nu X i kalenderen.
På generalforsamlingen vil vi bl.a. drøfte et indkommet forslag fra foreningens kontaktperson og Odenehos sekretær. Forslaget går kort ud på at indkøbe nogle tidsvarende computere til de unge og få etableret et IT-center i Akwamufie, primært rettet til de unge. Projekts formål er at sikre de unge i Akwamufie adgang til vore dages informationsteknologi. Projektet vil blive udarbejdet i samarbejde med skolen i Akwamufie, og der vil være fri adgang til centret. Tilknyttet centret vil også være en underviser ved navn Mr. Kwaku Owusu.
Dagsorden for generalforsamlingen vil følge i en mail senere. I denne mail vil årsregnskabet også blive sendt ud. Regnskabet er blevet udarbejdet af Karl Peter og er blevet godkendt og revideret af Grethe Nymark.
Breve fra penneveninder til elever fra Tømmerup fri og efterskole:
Tømmerup fri og efterskole tager til Ghana i 11 dage fra den 6. -16 april. Eleverne glæder sig til at opleve den ghanesiske kultur tæt på, og til at mødes med deres penneveninder. Igen i år har eleverne skrevet sammen med elever fra Akwamufie. Her er nogle eksempler på breve fra Akwamufie (Er det engelske svært at forstå, så kan du markere brevene, gemme dem og så sætte dem ind I Google Translater – klik her: og skriv engelsk dansk i feltet.
Hello …
I am Dorcas Asiedu and am very happy to write this final letter before we meet in Ghana. I hope by the grace of Almighty God you are fine. The reason I am writing this letter is to tell you about some school activities that have gone after the long vacation.
After the long vacation a lot has happened in my school and am going to talk about sports and culture.
My school partake in the years inter school sports competition which took place in Akosombo, the community where the hydropower generation is located. I happened to be the sports prefect in my school so I took part in almost all the sports thus netball, volleyball, football and athletics etc.
The game is so excited because you get meet new friends from other schools. Again I was happier when we won Girls Volleyball competition, Boys Football Competition and my school was second in Netball and boys volley ball. We jubilated with some school songs.
On cultural activities too, the school is now preparing to participate in the competition and working hard towards it because we want to maintain our first position for last year.
Can’t wait to see you dear friend
Your friend DORCAS
Dear …..
I am very glad to write you this letter. I am sure that you and the family are doing well by the grace of God.
The reason why I am writing you this letter is to tell you about my school activities after the Christmas break.
After the Christmas break our school participated in a sports competition and we are yet to partake in the Cultural competition. In the sports games we play football, volleyball, netball and athletics.
The sports teachers train the students very well to be perfect before the students enter into the sports competition. We excel in the sports competition as a school we are praying to improve in the cultural competition as compared to last year.
I am eager to see you in Ghana especially in Akwamufie in the Eastern part of Ghana.
Your Penpal Ansaa Lovea
Hi …
I am very happy to write you this final letter before you come to Akwamufie. I hope by the grace of God you are fine. The reason am writing you this letter is to tell you about the activities in my school after the Christmas break.
In my school we have been taken part in the sports inter school competition and we participated in games like football, volleyball, netball and athletics. This sports activity is organize in the District for all the government schools.
Before the competition, our teachers train us very well to come out in the games very successfully. This resulted in the school getting certificates in all the positions my placed.
I will end here by sending you greetings to you and the family. I am eagerly waiting to see you in Akwamufie.
Your friend NANCY
Dear …
I am very much excited to write you this final letter. I am very glad to know that you are fine and I hope by the grace of God you are fine as well as your family.
I would like to tell you some activities that took place in my school after the Christmas break. My school took part in sports games with neighboring schools and also we celebrated our 62nd Independence Day celebrations throughout the country on the 6th of March, 2019.
During the sports interschool competition, my school took part in games like football, volleyball, netball and athletics. This competition took place in Akosombo a town the hydro power generation dam is located.
Our school is now preparing to participate in cultural competition which will be organize by the District Education Office for all the government schools in the circuit. Last year when we won, we attended the regional competition in Koforidua were we became first in the competition.
Emilie my friend, very soon you will be in Ghana and I cant wait to see you and also my school cultural troop performing this dance for you to see which is lovely.
Your friend forever Matilda
Rapport om de døves skolegang:
Vi har modtaget følgende rapport fra vores kontaktperson i Akwamufie om de døves fortsatte skolegang. I næste foreningsmeddelelse vil der følge en rapport om de blindes skolegang:
Gyamea Akosua a deaf student at the Mamponng school for the deaf, she also went back to school in January 2019 after the Christmas break. She is in the Vocational department pursuing Hairdressing. She is also expected to complete her vocational education in hairdressing in September 2020.
Kwaku Owusu is also one of the deaf students who is also at the Mampong school for the Deaf. He is also at the Vocational department learning hairdressing and Barbering. A report from his teacher is that his concentration and strength is much on the Barbering aspect. The suggestion from the school authority is that if the Association can established him, interims of getting him a small shop and buying him some Barbering machines and equipment the school authority can graduate him this year September.
The school authorities concluded that, he is perfect in the Barbering so if we can establish him for him to use the barbering to generate some income for daily up keep.
They will be vacating on 11th. Of April 2019 so we have to take some decision on Kwaku Owusu then it should be as soon as possible before school reopens.
Thanks and best regards
Samuel Addo Otchere
Akwamu Customary Lands Secretariat
Forskellige begivenheder med stor medieopmærksomhed i Akwamu:
I Akwamufie fejrer man i disse dage Queenmothers 50 års jubilæum. Dette gøres med maner, og der er lagt op til en fest ud over det normale. Selv de nationale medier har opfanget nyheden, og der er fokus på Akwamu. På det sort hvide billede ses hun som 18 årig, da hun blev installeret.
I Ghana fejrer man i år en festival støttet af præsidenten under titlen ”Year of the homecoming” eller “Full cirkle festival”. Dette er for at markere, at det er 400 år siden den transatlantiske slavehandel begyndte, og dette med en opfordring til, at alle udenlands ghanesere vender tilbage til Ghana. I denne forbindelse er en amerikansk skuespiller ved navn Michael Jai White blevet instooled i Akwamufie under stor medie bevågenhed.
Her er et par link med omtale af denne begivenhed i nationale og internationale medier:
Med venlig hilsen
Karl Peter og Mogens